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TCMA Chairman elected as President of ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers, joining forces to accelerate the development of the AFCM Decarbonization Roadmap

(Adnkronos) – BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach Newswire – 24 February 2025 – Dr. Chana Poomee, Chairman of Thai Cement Manufacturers Association (TCMA), has been elected as the President of the ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM). In his two years term 2025–2027, he aims to strengthen collaboration among the eight ASEAN cement-producing member countries driving ASEAN Cement dynamically, accelerate the development of the AFCM Decarbonization Roadmap, and foster partnerships with global organizations to support carbon reduction initiatives.
 The eight ASEAN cement-producing member countries, at the AFCM Special Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, unanimously the election of Dr. Chana Poomee, Chairman of TCMA to hold AFCM Presidency from 2025-2027.  TCMA’s longstanding commitment and tangible progress in advancing Thailand’s cement industry toward net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 have been recognized by all sectors as a role model in various aspects. TCMA's initiatives and actions, including the Thailand 2050 Net Zero Cement and Concrete Roadmap, the successful promotion of low-carbon hydraulic cement, an innovative ecosystem the Public-Private-People Partnership (PPP) model-SARABURI SANDBOX LOW CARBON CITY, the partnership with local cement manufacturers and prestigious international organizations, have set a benchmark for sustainable industry practices. “I am deeply honoured by the trust placed in me by all AFCM member countries, who have unanimously voted for Thailand through TCMA to assume this leadership role for ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM). During my tenure, Mr. Montri Nithikul will serve as AFCM Secretary-General, with TCMA Office acting as the AFCM Secretariat, ensuring close coordination among member countries with the support of TCMA members to push carbon reduction initiatives and advance ASEAN’s cement industry toward a low-carbon future,” said Dr. Chana. 
Four Key Strategies for AFCM towards Decarbonization
 Dr. Chana outlined the direction of his work as the AFCM President, which requires coordination from all eight member countries by associations in each country, include 1) Brunei represented by Heidelberg Materials Butra Sdn Bhd, 2) Indonesia represented by Indonesia Cement Association, 3) Malaysia represented by the Cement and Concrete Association of Malaysia, 4) the Philippines represented by Cement Manufacturers’ Association of the Philippines, 5) Singapore represented by Cement and Concrete Association of Singapore, 6) Vietnam represented by Vietnam National Cement Association, 7) Thailand represented by Thai Cement Manufacturers Association or TCMA, and entering into new membership 8) Cambodia represented by Cambodian Cement Manufacturing Association. The following four strategic priorities for the next two years have been set to guide AFCM’s efforts in decarbonization, considering each of the eight-member country’s policies, regulatory frameworks, and level of readiness.  
Accelerate the Development of the AFCM Decarbonization Roadmap, establishing a structured framework for AFCM member countries to collaborate with their respective governments in reducing carbon emissions within the cement industry.  
Regional integration for collective action, leveraging the unique strengths and capabilities of each AFCM member countries to ensure a unified and dynamic approach to sustainable industry practices while keeping abreast with global trends. 
Strengthen Cooperation with ASEAN, enhancing cooperation with government is the key mechanisms for progress.  
Engaging with world-class organizations, i.e. the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH., and the World Economic Forum, etc. to facilitate technology transfer, innovation, and access to green funding for decarbonization projects in ASEAN. Dr. Chana reiterated that his tenure as AFCM President presents a pivotal opportunity for Thailand to convince the regional cement industry toward a shared decarbonization goal through the co-created AFCM Decarbonization Roadmap. This mission will require comprehensive policy support, cross-sector collaboration and implementation, and collaborative action from cement manufacturers in each AFCM member country by aligning with world-class best practices, the effort will be able to achieve tangible progress, ensuring long-term competitiveness and sustainability.   — (Web Info)


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