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China Moutai Unveils Cinematic Tribute to Chinese New Year and Cultural Heritage

(Adnkronos) – GUIZHOU, China, Jan. 29, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Here's a report from Discover Guizhou: As the Chinese New Year approaches, China Moutai has released a celebratory film to rejoice in the Chinese New Year with friends around the globe. This film embodies the traditional Chinese understanding of the four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—and incorporates the philosophy of following the natural order and continuously striving for excellence. Let us together, through this magnificent film, experience the allure of the Chinese New Year! China Moutai wish you a happy Chinese New Year! Here are the key highlights from the film: Spring brings new lives. Lives thrive in summer. Autumn gives prolific harvest. And in winter we rejuvenate. We feel the pulse of the grand earth, We pursue excellence in ourselves. Only through the vicissitudes of time, Will we attain lasting achievements. In the year to come, let's start a new journey together! China Moutai wish you a happy Chinese New Year! Video –

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